I am currently genuinely concerned about the mental and therefore physical health of human beings. The increase in depression, loneliness and suicide is difficult to measure but can be felt collectively somewhere.
The stress and anxiety can also be seen in the increasing dichotomy of pros and cons. No matter the subject, we can't seem to find a common ground.
I have been absent for a while, partly because I still believe that everything you give attention to grows. So I have been focusing on what is important to me and how I protect my own energy and therefore my immune system. I read little or no news, try to live a healthy life and surround myself with loving people who stay away from fear. I mainly do things that give me energy. I will tell you more about this later.
At the moment, through this message, I would like to reach out again to people who are feeling lonely, sad, fearful or if you know such people and could use some help. I want you to know that my (virtual) door is always open, even if you cannot afford it financially right now. We can surely exchange something. I also have a large network of lovely people who would like to do this, also outside of Rotterdam.
So please get in touch if you feel the need or know people who could use it?
You are not alone ♥️
Love, Thanh