Living life to the full and trusting, that's hard sometimes, isn't it? Why do we, young people, thirty-somethings, often not dare to do that? What have we created together that makes us do it less? Recently, this subject has often occupied my mind.
Because why don't we just jump or do things all-in? Why do we keep hitting the brakes if we have even a form of insecurity or fear and think they are losing control? False control actually...
How much more beautiful would it be? And how much more adrenaline we would feel if we did things with passion, conviction and commitment would do? How much nicer would you be? If only for yourself, so that you really feel alive.
Your feeling is unique
Think back to when you were in love: truly the ultimate feeling of happiness. It is different for everyone. One may have butterflies in his stomach, another may miss someone very much, yet another may not be able to eat or say anything, may be walking on a pink cloud all day, become completely silent or dance all day.
So this feeling is expressed in many ways and your form is your truth. So if someone else feels something different, that is totally OK. Let this sink in for a moment. What your truth is, does not have to be not the truth of another to be. Which also makes us unique and beautiful.
Overcoming fear
Back to fear. Where are we in our deepest core What is it that you are so afraid of? Let's say it is death. Tell yourself, even though you may not believe it, that your soul is going to a wonderful place where it is super nice. A place without worries and with ultimate happiness, because you are free of your personality, without all your beliefs, behaviour and patterns. Very nice, isn't it?
If you look at fear in this way, in a completely different way, what is left to be afraid of? Are you afraid of failing? Afraid of being rejected by your family and friends and losing them? Afraid of being called crazy? afraid of feeling lonelyAfraid of not having anyone around or afraid to show your true nature? That in reality you are a different person than how you have been pretending to be for years? Because of your upbringing and all the relationships you have entered into over the years.
Who are you when you all labels and convictions, step out in full confidence and go for it all the way?
If this question is on your mind, I would like to get in touch with you. To help you my experiences and talk about them together over a cup of tea or a glass of wine. Feel free to contact take it. You are not alone! Much love, Thanh