What does being visible mean to you?
When we talk about visibility, I think back to my time when I worked for the big corporate companies. I hated it! Being visible? I looked at the examples of 'loudly shouting' people who shouted a lot and did very little. I could never 'prove' it or bring it up, because then you are a snitch, so I was mainly frustrated internally by the situation and managers who did not or would not see this.
This frustration resulted in me working even harder, because that is what I had learned from my cultural background/education (which I did not understand at the time). I come from a family with parents who fled after the war for a better life for my brother and me. Gratitude, humility and respect for people in higher positions was unconsciously ingrained in me.
Then one day a coach told me: 'Thanh, if you don't show what you do, how can the other person know?' At first there were yes-mares of I don't want to be like the shouting people, that's not how I am? They can see from my hard work what I do, right!
Until I realised what I was actually saying. I had created a conviction of how being visible was in my world. This conversation and insight hit me like a bomb and changed my approach at work but also in my private life. Step by step, I saw the result and was still able to stay close to myself. I learned what my cultural background has to do with this and started to accept myself more and more.
Do you recognise this story and do you have to deal with this subconsciously/consciously as well? Come into contact with me and let me help you break through this!
I believe that we Asian Dutch can show much more of ourselves in our own authentic way and thus claim the desired job within the organisation where we work or become a successful entrepreneur and ultimately the more confident and happier person.
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