Being and exploring your purpose

Well, summer had finally broken through! I needed some time to relax and enjoy the summer temperatures. Since we can't really go on holiday, I took it as an opportunity to experience what the past period has done to me. And I did that in my own home, on the beach or in the woods. Back to nature. The Netherlands is so nice!

Covid has a bizarre impact on the world and our humanity. Everyone feels something of it, each in his or her own way. In everything, I feel that there is no right or wrong. Everyone has their own way of reacting to it. And who am I, who are we, to judge that?

Let's make it letting go of judgements And let us start with ourselves. To do something about our own actions. We experience Covid-19 collectively, everyone has noticed something of it. In my own experience, we all live in our own way. Everyone has his or her own purpose and finds out in his or her own way what that is.

I have been exploring my purpose recently, by trial and error. Because oh, oh, oh, how many old patterns, fears, convictions and old behaviours exist. Yet the path to your purpose is also a wonderful experiencewhen you are really ready.

In search of your purpose

I find the way to my purpose internally through the stillness By stripping myself of the labels I impose on myself and by talking to my triggers. By getting rid of the labels I impose on myself and by talking to my triggers.

By triggers I mean the people who irritate you, who bring up fears, who give you grief and pleasure, who love you, etc. I have the impression more and more that we are here to teach each other lessons. To grow in personal development and in the search for our authentic 'I'.

Why is Thanh Helping you?

I can tell you that I have had many special experiences and it is becoming clearer to me why. Thanh Helps was born. Thanh Helps is the helping hand for people that are ready to take the step towards something internal. In the meantime, I have various tools to give you the right thing. Provided, of course, that you are open to it.

It is sometimes hard work, but I guarantee that you will always be helped. You set the pace. I am clear and directso that you can "turn on" and begin your own transformation.

In addition to my coaching role, I have been working on all kinds of ideas and collaborations lately. More on this in the near future. And if you feel the need now, be sure to take contact Please contact me. Then together we will find an appropriate approach. I am ready for it again!

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Thanh Helps

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