Why do we find it so difficult to talk about our deepest desires or fears?
As an Asian Dutch person, I am familiar with the fact that expressing your emotions is not always taught to you And that emotions can be deeply hidden. In the belief that you shouldn't talk about them. Especially not 'outside' the home, which means that we keep our emotions bottled up and ultimately don't know what to do with them. Or, in the long run, we just talk for the sake of talking and fail to get to the heart of what we really want to say.
I have since learned to break through this. It is also one of the reasons for my work as a coach. After all, I know how important it is to discuss what is going on with you internally. Sometimes it is only thoughts that come up and need space. Then a non-judgmental ear and a helping hand will help to guide you.
Expressing yourself is healing
It does not really matter what it is about. Subjects you are struggling with, like work, depression, negative thoughts, thoughts about suicide, insecurity, sexual orientation, love, intimacy, identity, etc. Expressing yourself has a healing effect and you will also find out that you are not alone.
Let us therefore, above all, together break the taboos and see 'mental health' as something very normal, in which we are there for each other. to make things discussible. Without judging, by sincerely listening and helping each other.
I am here for you if you need me. Let us also as professionals join forces to expand this field of activity. So let's help each other, for each other